Over the past ten years, the art of landscape and garden design has become another passion of mine. When I am not in my studio painting or at my writing desk, I'm often digging up a red maple or azalea I planted 3 or 4 years ago and moving it feet or inches to a more precise spot. Through my creative trials and errors, I’ve come to realize now what the Japanese have known for centuries-that landscape gardening is as much an art as sculpture or architecture.
I ran across this quote by Anna Pavord concerning the garden designer Christopher Lloyd and I couldn’t help but wish we heard more of this type of reverence, seriousness and demand for high standards in the “fine arts” today.
"Over the years I have become more and more aware of how much I owe him (Christopher Lloyd) in terms of setting the highest standards for anybody who enters this field and taking the subject seriously and never losing excitement which you actually have about this whole process of gardening".
Anna Pavord, gardening correspondent and author